- Bergner, Mario.
Setting Love in Order: Hope and Healing for the Homosexual.
Baker Books, 1995. - Comiskey, Andrew.
Strength in Weakness: Overcoming Sexual and Relational Brokenness.
Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2003. - Dallas, Joe.
Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle With Sexual Identity.
Upd Sub ed. Harvest House Publishers, 2003. - Dallas, Joe, and Nancy Heche.
The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality: A Biblical and Compassionate Response to Same-Sex Attraction.
Harvest House Publishers, 2010. - Hallman, Janelle.
The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction: A Comprehensive Counseling Resource.
IVP Books, 2008. - Medinger, Alan.
Growth Into Manhood: Resuming the Journey.
Shaw, 2000. - Payne, Leanne.
The Broken Image: Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer.
Baker Books, 1995. - Thompson, Chad W.
Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would: A Fresh Christian Approach.
Reprinted ed. Brazos Press, 2004.
Homosexuality and Loved Ones
- Dallas, Joe.
When Homosexuality Hits Home: What to Do When a Loved One Says They’Re Gay.
Harvest House Publishers, 2004. - Worthen, Anita, and Bob Davies.
Someone I Love is Gay: How Family & Friends Can Respond.
First Edition ed. IVP Books, 1996.
Homosexuality and Ethics
- Bauckham, Richard.
God and the Crisis of Freedom: Biblical and Contemporary Perspectives.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. - Grenz, Stanley.
Welcoming But Not Affirming: An Evangelical Response to Homosexuality.
Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. - Webb, William J.
Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis.
First Edition IVP Academic, 2001. - Wojtyla, Karol.
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body.
Pauline Books & Media, 2006.
Sexual Addiction
- Ferree, Marnie C.
No Stones: Women Redeemed From Sexual Addiction.
2 ed. IVP Books, 2010. - Maltz, Wendy, and Larry Maltz.
The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused By Pornography.
1 Reprint ed. William Morrow Paperbacks, 2010. - May, Gerald G.
Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions (Plus).
HarperOne, 2007. - Patrick J. Carnes.
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction.
Third Edition ed. Hazelden, 2001. - Struthers, William M.
Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain.
IVP Books, 2009. - Willingham, Russell.
Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus.
IVP Books,1999.