
Living Waters Philippines

As Good Friday and Easter approach, three Victory Asia churches came together in Fairview for more equipping and healing. Official along with lay leaders came to experience what God had to offer through the ministry of Living Waters Philippines. Pastor Irvin shared that as they are expecting a great “harvest” to come into the church, the church needs to be healed and ready for those coming.

There were approximately 60 participants who were committed to these two days of encountering God. Talks on how we were wounded and how we wound others were shared. After which talks on the redeeming virtues of men, women, and the church were shared. The men and women courageously connected with their hearts and shared what was inside. After hearing from God and how He wanted to meet them in those areas of pain, the healing process began. They are off to a strong start and are looking forward to more healing occurring as they commit to accountability groups and vulnerability with each other.

We are grateful for another opportunity to share in the discovery of others in how God is faithful to meet each person in their place of pain and transform it into a new sense of Life. Some expressed an interest in the upcoming Leadership Training while others are interested in joining the 25 week Flagship program. Others have already committed to accountability groups. They are people with vision and plans for the future. Join us in praying for this group as they sort through how they will continue with what God is laying on their hearts.

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