Living Waters Philippines

Silence is often seen as our enemy or at the very least, something to be avoided. This past week, 14 members of Living Waters came together to experience just that, two days of guided silence at the retreat, “Falling into Mercy.”

Pastor Jonathan Nambu led us through 2 days of “Falling Into Mercy” at the Blessed Sacrament convent last July 29-31. His teachings on receiving mercy from Jesus, then becoming mercy to ourselves, our neighbors, and the community, as we embrace the reality of Jesus in us and forgiveness even when it “feels” unattainable, challenged and inspired those in attendance. We were graciously encouraged to find and trust the silence. To find and trust the silence not only outside of ourselves but the silence within.

It was admittedly a challenge for many of us yet we held graciously our individual experiences and processed them, as we were able, in Spiritual Direction with Kuya Jonathan. Our hope is to be able to not only embrace the rest and stillness while away on a retreat but also as we encounter the noise of our daily world.

May we continue to grow in that place of rest, stillness, and silence in order to not only enhance our relationship with God but also our journeying through life with others.